A superb oktobol from Magnesia, ex Leu 61, 1995, 140 and Naville XIII, 1928, 865
Los 194
IONIA. Magnesia ad Maeandrum. Circa 155-145 BC. Oktobol (Silver, 20 mm, 5.56 g, 12 h), Attic standard. Euphemos, son of Pausanios, magistrate. Helmeted warrior, in military attire and holding lance in his right hand, on horseback to right; below horse, Δ (mark of value). Rev. MAΓNHTΩN - EYΦHMOΣ / ΠAYΣANIOY Bull butting to left; all within maeander pattern. Kinns, Studies, p. 144, 17 (this coin, O15/R5). Very rare and with a fine pedigree. Minor flan faults on the obverse, otherwise, extremely fine.

From the Kleinkunst Collection, ex Leu 61, 17-18 May 1995, 140 and Naville XIII, 27 June 1928, 865.

The Δ = 4 on the obverse of this coin is certainly an odd value mark for an oktobol, however, the basic unit of the series is not an obol, but a diobol, which was marked with an A = 1. The issue consists of diobols (A = 1), tetrobols (B = 2) and oktobols (Δ = 4), which were valued at 1/12, 1/6 and 1/3 of a stephanophoric tetradrachm of Attic weight (see above, lots 192-193). Kinns plausibly connects these denomination marks, very unusual as they are on silver, with the emergence of rare Seleukid bronze chalkoi, dichalka and tetrachalka marked AX, BX and ΔX under Antiochos IV (175-164 BC), Timarchos (164-161 BC, see Leu 7, 24 October 2020, 1364), Demetrios I (162-150 BC) and Alexander Balas (152-145 BC).
2000 CHF
1600 CHF
5500 CHF
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